Name: Viñedos y Bodegas de la Marquesa S.L
Address: C/ Herrería 76
01307 Villabuena de Álava
Phone: (+34) 945 60 90 85
Fax: (+34) 945 62 33 04
web site:
Contact: María de Simón Baranda
Our businness project was born in the middle of the 19th century, when Francisco Javier Solano y Eulate, “Marqués de la Solana”, owner of a family wine cellar and an important vineyard extension in Villabuena , decides, following the advice of the famous french enologist Msr. Pinaud, start the elaboration and the ageing process of quality wines following the Medoc methods and selling them bottled, after the maturing with the label of “Marqués de la Solana”